Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Wednesday 4 September 2013

The Soloist Deconstruction (part 2)

The Soloist Deconstruction (part 2)
Point 2: Meeting Nathaniel

Camera Angles
Although, Mr Lopez's appearance doesn't show any distinctions, when a long shot it used to show both Mr Lopez and Nathaniel lying side by side on a street corner we can see the distinctions in what both of them want out of life - Lopes wants a story, Nathaniel wants to play music as it's what provides him with the greatest happiness despite being homeless and in no contact with his family. An establishing shot is used to see the two as they lay side by side on the ground, the establishing shot allows the audience to see the mess in which the LAMP community is in and the dangers
that Nathaniel could get into if left alone.

An eye line match is used from Mr Lopez's perspective as Nathaniel plays the cello at the LAMP community within his own comfort. Reaction shots are also used, as the camera pans around the residents at the LAMP community to reveal the calmity within the scene in a place there is usually chaos.

The sound used is diegetic and taken from Nathaniel's diegetic dialogue as he talks about his view on music without any regard that he is in a conversation with Mr Lopez " beauty is art, music is beauty" "Beethoven the leader of Los Angeles". The constant chattering and the tempo at which Nathaniel's character commentates on everything around him, his schizophrenic mind becomes apparent to the audience. Furthermore, as he tells Mr Lopez about his mother, a voice over is used and in combination his cello playing is used as a sound bridge through all the flashbacks of his child hood. The non diegetic sound used as the sound bridge becomes very vigorous and thicker in texture giving off a very strong sound but this all comes to an end when Nathaniel makes a mistake in a flashback when he attended Julliard.

Mise En Scene

Nathaniel's flashbacks use very dark lighting suggesting his struggle and downfall as his schizophrenia took over without any professional recognition. The lighting was only ever enough to sufficiently light Nathaniel alone making him stand out from his cohort and giving him the identity of a victim as it seems he was in terms of his schizophrenia.

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