Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 26 September 2013

Facebook profile analysis

- When we finally decided I was going to be the victim in the trailer we quickly started editing my facebook.
-To portray a more 'vapid' and less socially aware person we used images of a rave as my cover photo, I also took a pouty profile picture where I was quite heavily made up and clearly ready to go out and party.
-I made it seem as if I had quite an active social life by getting people in my media group to post on my wall such as the one below, asking whether I have a certain item they left round mine after the party. I also made some random daily statuses to show that I use facebook quite a bit.

-Apart from this I also had friends asking me whether I was going out the party and so on, showing that my character enjoys going out and probably drinking with people of her age.
Statuses such as 'got a gorgeous dress from primark for only £10!' have been posted to show my love for clothes and my appearance.
- We chose the name 'Charleyy-Jordan Pond'xo' because firstly it's clearly not my real name as I've edited it by adding an extra y and by adding the xo at the end. This shows that I have a certain style and sense of personality. Secondly we chose this just because we felt it showed my character quite well and it was good to get an instant reaction as we wouldn't have enough time in the trailer to spend it trying to develop my character for the audience.

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