Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Monday 2 September 2013

Location Research and evaluation (Bedroom)

For part of our trailer, we will need to utilize a bedroom for one of our actors. It is important to review which rooms we have available and consider what mise en scene impacts there are. I have evaluated the rooms below.

I think the room above will be a good choice for us because of the pale decor, it allows us to have a blank slate and can add extra colours to connote parts of the character's personality if necessary. I also can see a possible place that we could have a laptop positioned which is where the privacy part of our trailer comes into play. If necessary we would also be able to shoot the laptop on the shelf without getting the books above on the shelf in the same shot if they were going to conflict with the personality of the character. 

This is a good desk area however due to the space of the room it could be quite difficult to film in. Although this would be a good space for a laptop to be placed and allow us to focus on the privacy aspects, we would have to remove all the items from the desk due to mise en scene, which wouldn't be fair on Danielle. It is still an option though. 

All around this bedroom on the walls out of shot it a continuous photo wall which could not be removed, which takes out the possibility of using the desk area in this room. In addition to this there is a huge number of colours, including the walls, which could convey the wrong message about our character when analyzing the mise en scene. The only way this room could be used is if the laptop would be placed on the bed, however this wouldn't be so practical as the laptop could wobble in shots as there is no stable surface for it. There is also limited lighting in this room. 

This bedroom could be a possibility because it has a good desk space next to a window, meaning we would have a good light source. For shots of the laptop we wouldn't have to worry about mise en scene too much because we could easily remove the items already there, however the mise en scene throughout the rest of the room may be an issue, such as the red walls and American flag. This would not fit with the personality of our character in question and may lead the viewer to be confused about the personality we are portraying them to have.

When evaluating these possible options, I believe the first one is the best choice because it is most like a blank canvas which we can make fit our character easily. The other rooms would all need a lot of work to see if they were usable, such as removing an entire photo wall, space limitations and moving lots of personal belongings which wouldn't work in our trailer. 

Mise en scene we could incorporate:
-Books (linking to the library scene
-Note pads - expressing their thoughtful nature
-Fairly plain decor - so we can add any small details with elements of colour if necessary.
-Pens and pencils
-A laptop

Items we can NOT include in shots
- Clutter
-Beauty product bottles etc

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