Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 26 September 2013

Research: Sound

Research: Sound

Through the many film deconstructions that have been completed between us, the use of sound in all, has inspired us to use similar characteristics to form an idea on the sound that we are willing to incorporate into our trailer.

A major part of our trailer is the scene with the green screen and with this we hope to use transitions that set apart the different green screen content in a way that is not too abrupt for the audience. Although, this scene is used to form the start of the hallucinations of the protagonist, therefore we would want to get this across. So using a cheerful transition sound effect will not convey this.  The sound effects below can be easily layered using Logic Pro to create a fuller sound, the further into the hallucinations the protagonist (Ebony) goes. 

As a trailer is only an slight indication and over view of the narrative wrapped up into a few minutes, the use of sound is vital, therefore choosing to only use diegetic sound would be a problem as it will be hard to build suspense of scare factors towards the end of the trailer itself. So with this in mind, using various sounds such as "psycho attack" and mystical ambiance we will be able to layer them bother together to create an extra dis orientating feel through the sound alone. Thus, increasing it's impact when edited with the footage.

A characteristic within all the films with a schizophrenic protagonist, the use of sound impacted a huge amount during their hallucinatory scenes. A prime example of this would be the flashback in The Soloist  as the protagonist gets up to leave his orchestra and we the hear the non diegetic sound of his thoughts criticizing him as he hurries way. The video to the left of this, will also get this effect across within our scene. 

However, this year we are aiming to produce sound that we have made purely for our trailer. As the sounds above such as the sinister whisper, are quite fitting with our trailer so we may want to use them to our own advantage. As they are under the creative common license we are able to use them, however to achieve the fuller and tension building sound that we are aiming for we can easily layer the sounds together to form a piece of non diegetic sound that runs plays continuously throughout the trailer rather than using a variety of just diegetic sound. During the editing process of the sound, we can also think about the use of silence in places, to add a sense of uncertainty about what the protagonist is capable of doing next. 

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