Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 13 September 2013

Questions for the survey

Our teaser trailer is about a schizophrenic character who gets discriminated during their life, they then hold a grudge against the person who subjected them to the discrimination and get encouraged by their imaginary friend to stalk them in person and through social networking and spy on them using different cameras. The end of the trailer will reach a climax where the main question is will the main character kill the victim?

1. What kind of main character would be more effective?

a) arty
b) intelligent and introverted.

2. What kind of camera would be most effective to spy on the victim?

a) macbook/laptop camera
b) mobile phone

3. Do you think the saturation/exposure of the footage should change depending on the perspective of the character at hand?

a) Yes
b) No

4. Do you want the majority of the plot to remain hidden or not?

a) Yes
b) No

5. Do you think the time lapse at the beginning should be of the sunset or the sunrise? a) sunset

b) sunrise

6. Do you think the editing should be fast paced all the way through or should reach a climax?
a) fast paced all the way through
b) reach a climax

7. Do you feel that the main character's imaginary friend should be the same actor as the main character or a different one?

a) the same actor
b) a different actor

8. Do you feel that the discrimination at the beginning should be subtle and barely noticeable, or very clear?

a) subtle
b) very clear

9. Would it be more effective to use more than one camera in order to get different angles or would it make the trailer harder to follow?

a) harder to follow
b) more effective

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