Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 26 September 2013

Evaluation of filming: 22/09/13

Date of filming: 22/09/13

Members present: 

Natasha and Cloé. Not all members were necessary due to the small amount of filming that was planned. Both members were on time.

Scenes filmed: 

  • We filmed the scene in which the protagonist watches the girl who she stalks through her laptop. These shots are to be cross cut with the footage we took previously in the victim's bedroom, to show either side of the webcam and increase the creepy feeling around her stalking.
  • We didn't film the time lapse scene as the weather was too cloudy to see the sun clearly which would have removed the effect and so we decided to do it another day when it would be more successful.

Shots taken: 

  • We took many over-the-shoulder shots of the laptop screen over the protagonist's shoulder to show that she is watching her getting ready.
  • We took some profile shots and close-up shots of the protagonist's expression as she watched the victim.
  • We took extreme close-up shots of the protagonist's eyes, and as she was wearing glasses tried to make the reflection in the glasses show the footage, however this was difficult and the glare on the glasses made it hard to see the protagonist's eyes. This made us think about whether the chracter should wear glasses in all future scenes as we faced difficulties this time round.


  • We had to put the footage that we took onto my laptop in order to film the protagonist watching it and this was difficult as we had to make sure that there weren't any mise en scene errors, such as the play button on the screen as this would have made it obvious that the footage being watched wasn't live from the bedroom.
  • As well as this, it was hard making sure that each over the shoulder shot of the protagonist didn't feature the bed in the background as this would have made it obvious that we had changed location when editing it in with the footage we will take with the green screen.

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