Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 6 September 2013

'A Beautiful Mind' Deconstruction (part 3)

Point 1:
Camera Angles/Shots/Movements:
-        -Multiple close ups of his work as he writes and draws
-        -Close ups of his face to show his reaction and to show him working
-        -Close up of the pencil he is using and his hand.  
-        -Cross cutting throughout this scene showing him looking at his work
-      - Eyeline matches are used within this scene to show him studying his work.
-        -Diegetic sound of him mumbling to himself
-       - Non diegetic sound of increasingly loud music which quickens its pace as he gets more into it.
Mise En Scene:
-        -He is using a green pencil to work rather than a normal pencil or pen, as green can connote illness it could be seen in the way that he is mentally ill. 

Point 2:

Camera Angles/Shots/Movements:
-        -Camera slowly zooms out to show time passing (also with use of editing)
-        -Starts off with an establishing long shot of the windows showing him in it
-        -When the camera zooms out there is snow on the windows, visual editing is used to make the snow melt and turn the season into spring showing that he has worked a long time on this piece and giving the impression that he hasn’t paused once.
-        -Time lapse of him working
-        -Music gets much louder as it zooms out and then fades away when the time lapse has ended.
-        -His mumbling gets quicker but slowly fades out
Mise En Scene:
-        -Lighting of the scene gets brighter to show the season changing, more orangey colours get introduced rather than the grey colours of winter.
-        -Shows him through a checked window, showing that although he is making a discovery it’s clear something is wrong with him as he isn’t taking a break at all

Point 3:
Camera Angles/Shots/Movements:
-        -Close up on the papers again
-       - Camera is put on a crane in order to create the sense that it is turning around to face the guy from the papers, it’s all done in one shot.
-        -Medium shot of Nash looking at the professor and his imaginary friend anxiously.
-       - Long shot of Nash’s imaginary friend waiting for him in the corridor.
            Use of graphic match from the papers that he was working with to the same papers being held by the professor, showing the amount of time that has passed and that the time has come to display his work/theory.
-       - Cross cutting is used, showing Nash looking at the guy anxiously
-        -Eyeline match of Nash looking at the professor and then his imaginary friend, shows us exactly what’s in his mind and makes it clear that the professor isn’t bothered about the friend who is there, telling us that it is likely he doesn’t exist.
-        -Non diegetic music fades and there is the diegetic sound of his work rustling in the hands of the professor, brings us back to reality and to
      the present rather than us zapping through time (shows that a lot of time has passed)
-        -No non diegetic music, only silence, showing the tense situation. Can hear the diegetic noise of Nash breathing uneasily and being unsettled in his chair.
Mise En Scene:
-       - Dominant colour in the room is brown/orange, the green of the pencil stands out among it.
-        -The green colour of Nash’s imaginary friend tells us that he is linked to his illness

Point 4:
Camera Angles/Shots/Movements:
-        -Utilises the same shots to contrast against the previous section where Nash is worried about what the professor is going to say, shows him as being rather happy with what he is saying, compares what he was feeling.
-        -Faster cutaways to the imaginary friend celebrating to show that they 
      are happy, has cutaways to the professor and him smiling.
-        -Diegetic dialogue contrasts with the section before when they weren’t talking and it was a tense scene
-        -Hear the diegetic noise of Nash’s friend celebrating in the corridor.
Mise En Scene:
-        -Nash’s imaginary friend’s movements contrasts with the scene before as before he was standing and he wasn’t taking up much room, however now he is dancing around the place showing that he is very happy and making him take up more room.
-        -Nash is shown on as being on the side of the frame, whereas the professor is in the centre. This shows that he is subject to the professor and it gives the professor a lot of power over his life and what happens next. 

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