Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 5 September 2013

Actors for our teaser trailer

Our choice and reasons for it:
As we had difficulties with using actors last year in our coursework we have decided this year this use actors within the group for ease. The two actors will be myself and Natasha as we both have some experience in acting from our Drama GCSE. We decided that Natasha suited the role of the schizophrenic character as because our character is going to be rather arty we thought her appearance matched the description. This left me to be the victim.

Overall apperance:
- Natasha
She will be wearing mostly dark checkered shirts to show that there is something wrong with her and to give a sense of foreboding, she will be wearing dark framed glasses which suit the character as they are usually associated with intelligence as we want to make the character seem thoughtful. She will also be holding a sketch book in some scenes to show her creative side.
- CloĆ© 
She will be wearing softly feminine clothing in order to portray her as someone who wouldn't be knowledgeable about certain illnesses. She is meant to be quite fashionable and is meant to fit in quite well with the crowd in order to contrast against the other character. She will also be lightly made up and will wear head bands.

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