Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Teaser Trailer "The number 23" title deconstruction


Forty-eight seconds into the trailer, after being introduced to the initial characters and narrative we see a title screen which shows the Director's name. This shows the audience what type of film to expect due to the name of Director and also would potentially attract a certain type of audience.


The title screen with the words "All numbers have a pattern are shown. The background is predominantly dark which a red glow in the centre and the words are in block capitals in the centre of the screen.
The central position of the text makes it stand out and seem significant to the viewer and the red and black dominant colouring immediately connotes danger. The typography looks old-fashioned and this shows to the audience that the threat within the film is one that has been around for years, cancelling out ideas of a Sci-Fi and making it all the more scary.

A title screen with the text "All patterns contain a message" can be seen. This text shows the audience that there must be a significance behind the number 23, and that potentially this originates from someone else, unknown to the viewer. This makes the threat seem more pronounced.
The text flickers and the number 23 appears in the style of demonic handwriting, glowing in the background of the screen. This puts across the idea that someone dangerous is involved in the narrative as it looks as through somebody unstable wrote the letters. It is only a flicker however, to make the audience question whether or not it happened.


As the text flickers, letters in the text morph and become the number '23', and this disorientates the viewer as they are not sure whether their eyes are deceiving them, which matches the conventions of a psychological horror. Each time the text flickers, the non-diegetic sound effect of static electric is heard which adds to the disorientation and also matches the movement of the text exactly.


The final screen shows the title "The number 23" in the centre of the screen. The number "23"is the largest part of the frame, which indicates its significance in the plot. It looks as though it is glowing, which hints at supernatural elements in the plot.

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