Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 28 November 2013

Potential Website Image Editing

We wanted to edit together a couple of images we took on one of our photo shoots to see if it could be used for our website background. This post goes through the editing process of the photos and my evaluation of whether it could be used or not.

Firstly, we took one image with Natasha in the background of the image. We then cut around her, I am using Photoshop to complete this task.
Here I copied and pasted the cut out onto another photo, taken in the same place but showing the other character Natasha plays.
I then positioned the cut out in the correct place and slowly blurred the outline to make it blend in with the already blurred background of the new image. This makes it seem as if we both people in the same image.
I then started work on the actual colours of the image, to try and fit more to the conventions of our genre and also give a more professional edge to our photograph. I started by editing the contrast and brightness, increasing the contrast and decreasing the brightness slightly.
I then went into the filter gallery and adjusted the framing of where I wanted a vignette effect to be, so that the attention is drawn to the protagonists, instead of the location.
Next, I played around with the saturation, I wanted to create quite a vivid image in the centre, so boosted the saturation a little while making it have a few blue tones, fitting the conventions of our genre.

Here you can see me selecting the cool colour setting, so that it is a little more dark and a feeling of sadness comes through the image to the audience.

After this step, I again went and tweaked the brightness and contrast so that it suited the changes to the saturation I had made.

Here is the final image I created. I think it is great and could work well on our website, however we have to consider the different sized screens that will be used by our audience, and due to the placement of the characters this may mean they are covered up by our trailer and reviews of the website, perhaps just the top layer of the photo could be used, revealing just one character, or another entirely, but with the same kind of editing applied to it.


  1. Nice photo editing with photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is great when you need to do detailed image editing and basic design works. There is nothing that comes close when editing photos for online or print use, but it's not a tool to do layouts or vector designs. Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator are better tools for those jobs respectfully.

  2. Photoshop is always the greatest software for photo editing. To perform from simple to complex task, Adobe Photoshop is unique. The software is used for all professional services such as logo design, image making and clipping path service.

  3. Among all the software, Adobe Photoshop is the best photo editing app that most professional designers use. Adobe Inc has brought a new photo editing revolution in this twentieth century. Although there are many suitable apps or software available on the net but Adobe has the best software.
