Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 28 November 2013

Montage Sound

Montage Sound

We are going to be using a montage scene at the end of our trailer to make sure that the plot comes across as detailed yet as quickly as possible. However, we need to bare in mind the sounds that we are going to be willing to use. As we do not all of our footage just yet and we still need to edit the montage scene, producing non diegetic sound for the montage scene will prove difficulty at the moment. Instead, we are paying close attention to the montage scenes in other psychological films such as, the butterfly effect and a beautiful mind. We have noted that they use suspenseful, atmospheric sound, with the use of jumps and dissonances in places of their choice to fit their trailer. 

With the use of the sound above, we can manipulate it to be a lot faster or slower dependent on the foundation track of the sound that we choose. This can help to produce a good scare factor within the trailer therefore having a big impact on our audience. Transition effects also tend to sound a lot better when layered on top of multiple sounds rather than on their own, allowing the suspense before it to be built up to a peak before letting it down again. 

Preferably all tracks would all be layered on top of each other, after we have manipulated some of them using Logic Pro to make them either faster or slower. The Dark Rhytmic Ambience sound effect experiments using fast and slow tempos allowing us to cut and move around the track as we please when it comes to editing all the tracks together. A montage scene is usually extremely fast paced therefore the tempo for all of the tracks will need to be increased. 

Another idea, would be to collate the sounds of all the objects around the protagonist as we enter the montage scene. Therefore the ticking of a clock would grow in volume, someone writing, and so on. Once these sounds are layered on top of each other they will create an extremely discordant sound resulting to a little discomfort, which is what we aim to achieve through the use of sound in the montage scene. This is a good transitional idea from the non diegetic sound being used in the larger parts of the trailer to the montage scene as it builds in sound and tension. The trailer will end with the death/torture of the antagonist as the protagonist spirals out of control - this is where the sound will suddenly come to a halt after a climax in sound and a scream will be sounded. 

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