Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 14 November 2013

Poster options - photo choices

We picked this photo because the protagonist is in the centre of the frame, allowing for us to layer different photographs on top of each other showing all the characters in the same shot. This could be used for our poster or website.
Here is another photo we picked which could be layered with the photo above which would show all three characters, the protagonist, the antagonist and the imaginary friend.
This is another photo which we could use if we change the positioning of all the characters, this shot particularly captures the protagonist's vulnerable side and her weaknesses.
We all really love this shot, it could be used in the website or the poster and has a number of advantages to being used. It can be layered up and the imaginary friend could be shown in the background, in addition to this it also shows vulnerability and cautiousness, hinting that she knows she's being followed
We wanted to pair the above photo with this one to link the characters together, however when doing a draft of the poster we preferred the photo below.

So instead we decided to use this photo and the hood works quite well as it makes the character have a mysterious edge and this could grab our audience's attention.
Here is our draft edit of the two images layered, and we are very please with the outcome, and would like to use it, even if it wasn't used a poster, it could work really well on the website. 

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