Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 22 November 2013

Making a Gif

After editing the three layers together into one image, I repeated the same steps again with the characters in different positions. I thought that we could use all three images together to show each character in detail and have a dynamic background so I turned the three images into a gif.

1) First of all, I opened a new blank image and made sure it was the same size as the images I would be importing.

2) Then, I dragged the images I needed into the photoshop and selected accept.

3) Then, chose 'view'> 'timeline' in order to put them in the right order and speed.

4) I selected 'Create Video Timeline' and then the timeline of the images. I made the images go one after another and then decided what speed looked best. This time round I made it quite fast to see what the effect was like, but I may edit it to make it slower later on as this will mean the audience will be able to see the characters better.


 This image isn't very effective because it doesn't fit in with the genre very well, so the individual images would have to be edited a bit more darkly or gloomily to fit in with this. As well as this, some minor lighting and positioning errors mean that the gif doesn't  look very smooth.

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