Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 17 October 2013

Tagline initial ideas

For our film poster it is vital we have an effective tag line, it should compliment the name of our film and also give hints about the plot. When considering possible ideas for the tag line we thought about several themes including paranoia, killing and death. We also thought the idea of an imaginary friend, the idea of a victim and evil should try to be used too. We came up with quite a few ideas, however we have not made a final decision. It is likely several of our ideas will merge together to create our final tagline.

Our Ideas

  • I thought it was over. . . it wasn't.
  • The torment never stops
  • Who am I?
  • Am I me?
  • Are you me?
  • I used to fit in, now I don't
  • I'm on a downward spiral.
  • "I used to fit in" "Now you don't"
  • Never have I been so alone yet so surrounded.
  • I am my only friend.
  • In the dark depths of her mind, laid her greatest enemy... herself
  • What happens when you lose the battle with your own insanity. 
When discussing the ideas as a group, we decided that the first few ideas aren't good enough to be a tagline, they are all too cheesy and too simple. We liked the idea of portraying the protagonist being isolated but never left alone by her imaginary friend. This is where probably the best ideas "Never have I been so alone yet so surrounded" and "In the dark depths of her mind, laid her greatest enemy...herself" come into play. For now, we will choose the second one, but this is not likely to be our final decision. 

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