Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 4 October 2013

Location for Kidnapping Scene: Warehouse

After some discussion regarding the locations that we found previously for the kidnapping scene, we decided that we would try elsewhere as they didn't come across as isolated and just seemed like garages in someones house. Therefore we looked around online for some abandoned warehouses in the area to use instead as these would look hopefully run down, isolated and therefore give a chilling and eerie effect.
On 'derelictlondon' we found various suitable locations and so I judged them on their appearance and how convenient they are to get to.

Wells Factory- Dartford

Surrounding Area of the Abandoned Factory:

In the surrounding area of the factory there are features like this old brick wall and metalllic objects lying around. The foilage around the area is also very overgrown which gives a ragged, rough feel to the location. We would use this area in brief shots in the montage running up to the climax and show how the Victim is being taken there, or is kidnapped there.

The exterior of the Abandoned Factory:

The exterior is reminiscent of an old American barn which is featured in many horror movies, especially ones with supernatural elements.
The outside also looks very run down and covered in overgrown foilage which we can show in the last montage as well with the victim being dragged through the bushes. The paint is obviously fading but it is clear to see that the wood was once red which connotes danger and death, an effective meaning for the location to have in the last scene.

Interior of the abandoned Factory:

The interior of the factor is mostly made of wood which gives an olden feel. It is messy and a lot of parts have fallen apart. It obviously looks like its in the middle of nowhere with the windows.
The problem with the interior is that it is quite bright so we would have to either use different techniques to convey a gloomy atmosphere or go when it is slightly darker.

Convenience of the location:

It is not too far away because it is Dartford, the only annoyance is that it is far away from any busstops or railway stations and requires a long walk to get to, which we would have to do with a lot of equipment and also the actors in two.

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