Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 3 October 2013

Sound: Non diegetic track

Sound: Non-diegetic track

After watching many psychological films, their use of sound inspired us to create our own. However, when doing so, we noticed that there was one continuous track used to do so, in other words, a non-diegetic track. Although, to fit our trailer a song with lyrics would not be to scale. Therefore using an instrumental track may be a better option.

After watching many psychological films, their use of sound inspired us to create our own. However, when doing so, we noticed that there was one continuous track used to do so, in other words, a non-diegetic track. Although, to fit our trailer a song with lyrics would not be to scale. Therefore using an instrumental track may be a better option. As the two characters are binary opposites, we can also emphasise on it through the music. The audio on the left hand side gets across the psychological aspect of the film as it's easy to hear the sliding and bending of notes that achieve this. During the first scene of the antagonist, the protagonist spies on her through her webcam whilst she gets ready to go clubbing. As the audio on the left contains a dance beat typically found in club music, it would be suitable to use as a non diegetic track whilst the antagonist gets ready. Therefore making it easier to get across to the audience a sense of uncertainty and psychological aspect of the trailer. This would also make it easy to merge two sounds together without highlighting a drastic difference in sound.

The audio clip on the right, focuses more or less on the personality of the protagonist. Her character is arty/intelligent and she presents herself to be rather dark, through her clothing. This audio would be suitable for the beginning of the trailer just as the protagonist is introduced during sunset, as it remains in a major key and doesn't give too much away about the protagonist to begin with. Allowing us to use sound to our advantage to build up and convey the protagonists journey and struggle of schizophrenia.
However, a large part of our trailer uses a green screen during the protagonists hallucinations. With sound, it was hard to find a continuous track that would not be too stereotypical or over the top to convey her loss of grip on reality. The audio on the left almost merges sounds together so no real sense of what you're listening to can be made. Although, it almost sounds far too soothing to be a suitable non diegetic track for our protagonists hallucinations. Therefore, layering multiple tracks to create our own seems like a sufficient way of over coming this. 

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