Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 25 October 2013

Storyboard: Final Scene

As we get closer to filming the last scene in the loft, where the victim is kidnapped by the protagonist, we need to create a storyboard, so that it is easy and clear on the day of the filming. As it is the climax of the trailer, we need it to match the soundtrack which will sound very dramatic and thrilling. We decided to have the soundtrack constantly increasing in pace and tension and then a moment of silence, followed by a loud noise and scream, therefore it was important to consider this when creating the storyboard.

  • We had to make sure it would create an impact on the audience, would be the scariest part of the trailer as it would be the part to keep the audience wanting to see more. 
  • Therefore, we decided to include something creepy/gory which we thought could quite easily be some dead bodies, as we have many people who could come along and be a dead body. 
  • The dead bodies would most likely be wearing black bags over their heads as this would be more creepy, and would make the acting especially easy, as well as adding to the mise en scene. 
  • However, it was important not to give away too much in this final scene, as well as throughout the trailer. 
  • So, we are concealing who kidnaps the protagonist and kills the bodies, which will hopefully create an enigma. In some scenes, we may exclude the protagonist's head or recognisable features to indicate that there may be another evil character and make the audience want to see what happens in the film. If the whole of the plot is given away in the trailer, it would not meet conventions. 

  • At this point, the camera would be zoomed up extremely close to the victim's face, which would give a hint of mystery about what is going on, and concealing what is happening would increase the tension and fear. 
  • We would then zoom out very fast, which may have to be edited in afterwards. We would make this match the diegetic sound of the scream from the victim.

  • The shot would then be loose enough to reveal a number of creepily placed dead bodies, which would have black bags on their heads. This would be the last shot of the trailer, and would create an enigma around the plot, as to why there are dead bodies. 

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