Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 25 October 2013

Photoshop Trial: Editing

As well as ghosting the image and editing an image of the protagonist inside her own eye, another idea was to have two images of the protagonist- with one standing dauntingly above the other to show the power relationship between the two and indicate that the imaginary self is controlling the other. Using the photographs that I took previously, I decided to try and edit this poster idea, to see how it looked and therefore help us decide whether or not to use it for the final poster image.

Step 1: first I used the lasso tool to bring the close up shot of Natasha over to the other image. 

Step 2: Once I had done this, I used the rubber tool to rub out the edges of the image that weren't needed and I finished with an image of Natasha's face.

Step 3: I then cropped the image with Natasha standing so that there wasn't a big gap on the side of the image.

Step 4:
This then left me with this image, which i edited a bit by making the background image darker and by increasing the contrast, if this was our final image the background would probably be much more distorted in order to show that she is imaginary.

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