Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 18 October 2013

Poster Editing: Trial

I looked at the pictures that Cloe took and decided to play around with the idea of an image in an eye which Danielle started before with an image of a generic eye and a forest. I decided to take it further simply by using a picture of the actual Protagonist's eye, so it would be more like how the final poster would turn out to be.
I decided to edit an image of the protagonist screaming inside the eye to indicate that there are two versions of her and that she is trapped inside her mental illness and can't escape.


1) To start with, I opened both images up in Pixlr, the editing software I used in place of photoshop, for the ime being.

2) I made the second image smaller, so that it would be the right sixe to fit inside the eye.

3) I used the lasso tool around the second image, then used the select tool to move it across into the first image of the eye.

4) I used the Free Distort tool to move the image inside the eye properly, and also distorted the image a little but stretching it to make it look a bit more creepy.

5) I used the erase tool all round the edges of the second image so there was none of the background inside the eye which would have made it look unprofessional.
In the layers box, I reduced the opacity of the second layer so that it was half transparent, making the eye visible behind the layer on top. This also made the shininess of the eye visible which made it look much more realistic.


The image is okay for a starter but we wouldn't use it as a final image for the poster as it looks quite comical and the image inside the eye doesn't look as distressing as it could. The image doesn't quite convey the emotions that we would like in our poster as it doesn't look very dark, not depicting the horror side to the trailer.

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