Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Monday 7 October 2013

Evaluation of Green Screen Trial

After a few little practices with the green screen while editing on imovie, we decided we needed to have a real trial using the actual camera:
  • In the practices both videos that we edited were shaky which gave a very unrealistic effect, but in the trial we used a tripod so this wasn't a problem.
  • In the practice, the lighting was unnatural and not properly lit and this created lots of shadows over the green screen making it loook unrealistic when edited together. It is very important to have a well lit green screen in order for the editing to work. Therefore, this time round we moved the green screen to an area with windows so that there were no shadows and everything could be seen well.
  • In the practice, we used a camera phone which meant that the quality of the exported video was low and this reduced the effect overall. Therefore, we used the actual camera which is of mucher high quality and this will make it look much more smooth and seemless overall.
  • In the practices, we edited the videos on imovie, and although it worked, it wasn't very effective as the two videos didn't look very seemless and the software recognised a part of the actors hair as green which made it blend into the background and look very unrealistic. The edges around the actors in front of the background were not very sharp. Therefore, we decided that this time round we'd edit the footage on adobe premiere pro, which we found out how to use from the technician.


Overall, the when we edited the two clips together in imovie, the effect was much more realistic and looked good, mainly due to the improved quality of the camera, the more effective lighting and the steadiness of the shots, which made it look more professional than previously. After we edited the two clips together on imovie, we then edited the background in on adobe premiere pro, which was difficult to get to grips with but looked much smoother and realistic than the results on imovie, which was promising. We came across the minor issue of the background clip being smaller than the foreground clip which made it look not as good, but this can be easily overcome by changing the size of the clip or finding a better one. 

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