Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 3 October 2013

Green Screen

Green Screen

As part of our trailer, the use of a green screen is essential for our narrative to be decoded realistically. Editing a green screen into our footage was an aspect that we were not too confident in. To overcome this, we looked into ways to use our green screen footage in an appropriate way. The software that we used to do this mainly orientated around iMovie and Premiere Pro. To do this test run, we started off by filming two videos, one for each different character, in front of the green screen and then uploaded them to our computer.

After this, we imported the two videos to iMovie and then dragged one into the event, followed by dragging the remaining video over the top of it. When we did this, we were then given a few options, with "green screen" being one of them. We were then able to align the two clips onto each other so the finished product looked presentable. These stages can be applied to any video, so for instance, you could follow the above procedure and then layer it onto the transition clip and the green screen will mirror the transition patterns onto it, therefore making to look like Natasha, was in a room that had animated walls.

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