Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Monday 14 October 2013

Attic Location: Research

I decided that I would extend my location research on the attic by taking some shots of the Victim in the location to see what kind of angles and camera movements we could use, whether the lighting was effective and therefore whether we would want to use the location overall:


  • The pros of the location were that the decoration was very effective, with the wooden beams and brickwork which looks ragged and dangerous, making the room look very creepy. 
  • There was some natural lighting which made it easy to get some good shots, but the low positioned lamp also helped get some very effective shots and made the lighting low-key and creepy, which I liked. 
  • The beams made it easy to get some different shots, such as high angle shots with gave a more innocent and hunted look to the Victim, and made it creepier. This gives us a lot more legroom to be creative with our filming for instance with difference shots and movements.
  • Overall, the space looked pretty creepy and we would have enough space to pull off our planned scene in the location.


  • There was not too much space due to the boiler being in the way, therefore we would not have as much space as we would if the boiler were not there, or if we used another location. This inhibits us somewhat in terms of camera angles and shots. 
  • The window means that we would most likely have to shoot the scene during the night, which is a little bit difficult but not something we couldn't achieve. 

Mise en Scene:

  • We would have to clear away a lot of items to make sure they weren't in the shot. This would also give us a lot more room to be creative with filming. This could be time consuming but necessary.
  • We could move a few creepy props into the shot- ropes, chains, gags for instance. We would also have two or three dead bodies lying on the floor in the shot.
  • We could splatter some red paint on the walls, and even put a red handprint to replicate the struggle that many of the victims would have put up when they were kidnapped by the protagonist. 

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