Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 18 October 2013

Poster image: Ghosting on photoshop (trial)

Poster image: Ghosting on Photoshop

After finding a  tutorial on how to create a ghost effect on Photoshop, we decided that after finding a suitable test image to try it out on - it would be effective as a poster image.

 I started by inserting the test image of our protagonist. I then used the "Pen" tool and outlined the protagonist therefore eliminating the background of the image. Following this, I selected the "mask" option at the bottom right had corner and then refined the mask, making it look less harsh and more realistic.

I then selected "filter" from the tool bar, "filter gallery", "stylize" and selected "glowing edges" which made the image appear black and the detailing of the image colourful. I then went to "filter" again, selected "stylize" and "diffuse" - "anisotropic" which made the colours a lot more predominant.

Then I selected "image" on the tool bar, "adjustments" and then "Channel Mixer" in order to select "Black and White with a Yellow Filter" from the list - this eliminated the coloured outlines on the image making it monochrome. After this, I went to the filter option, selected "stylize" and then chose "solarize" and then added "gaussian blur" to it and adjusting it to 7.8 so it gave off a convincing ghosting effect. 

We then duplicated the layer of the first image of the protagonist and set it alongside it - using the smudging tool to create a winded effect. However this proved to ruin the outcome of the image.
We then selected the filter option and then chose the wind effect to achieve the look that we were hoping for. However we wanted to convey that the two images drew a distinction somehow. 

To do this we chose invert from the adjustment panel on the right hand side and applied it to layer copy 6 and it changed it to a white version. Although, this was not the look we were hoping to achieve. In order to over come this next time we will have to do a trial run on a smaller object.

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