For the tag line typography, I decided to look for a different font because when we looked at different film posters, a convention found was that the name of the film and the tag line were in different typography.
After a bit of searching I found several extra fonts which we could consider for our tag line typography.
One font called Lakeshore Drive has the look of being hand written but is a different style, it seems to be much more delicate from our name typography and could add an interesting edge to the poster. It could suggest very subtlety to the viewer that when all seems to be okay, there is actually a darker force at work in our film trailer. Using our initial tag line idea, here is a sample of the font.
Another possible font I found was Daubmark font, which has a similar feel to our main typography but it all in lower case, this could work quite well as it will contrast but there will be a definite link between the two pieces of typography. I personally think this is a more likely font than the previous example.
I decided to go ahead with this font and have a go at manipulating it in the Pixlr Editor.
First of all I went over all the letters and coloured them in to make them completely black as there were a few white pixels within the letters, and I drew the ends of letters, such the 'p' because that had been cropped off.
I then used the select tool to transfer the manipulated letters into a new canvas to start making them slightly blurry at the edges, because this will fit with Danielle's initial poster idea design.
I then saved the image and switched to Pixlr Express where I changed the focus to the word 'darkest', the plan would be to do this for each 'dominant' word in the final tag line we choose. This will draw the audience's attention to certain words.
I decided that another technique that could be used is changing the focus horizontally because it would effect all words, and could actually work better on a whole sentence.
I then used an overlay within the editor to apply to both ends of the words. This works really well because it means the word 'darkest' is literally the darkest thing in the tag line, adding emphasis and drawing the audience to certain parts. The colours at the end could be changed depending on what the colour scheme of our poster, website and trailer will be. I also did one with the colour red as this is often more associated with horror, whereas the blueish one could fit more with the psychological part of our plot.