Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 5 December 2013

Website Content and Layout

For our website it is important that we display all the conventions of a film website while ensuring the user doesn't have to scroll up or down, the background picture is still visible, and all the page names are relevant and do not look out of place. We also need our trailer on the web page, critics' reviews and social networking links. 

We are currently very happy with going ahead and using this image for our website, however it has caused us some trouble due to the use of two characters in one shot. As we usually work on macs, the first issue we had was that the image was too big for other screens, and it would mean all the arrangement of the you tube link, social links and critics' reviews wouldn't fit properly. We first changed this by changing the size of the image, and where it was locked to. I then decided for this post to work on my laptop, to double check that this would actually work when changing computers. I am pleased to say that it did, and this means we can position everything without having to worry it will cover up the protagonist just because the screen is a different size. In addition to this, above you can see the temporary layout of pages, the tag line and the title. I set to work at re-arranging these. 

Here you can see I used a different typography, this isn't our final typography, because that is currently still a work in progress, but this font gives a much more accurate representation of what it will be like. As you can see, I moved the title, page names and beginning of the tag line to the left hand side of the header. I thought that this was a little bit different, and also draws even more attention to our background image. In this screen shot, you can see that I have placed the second part of the tag line in the bottom right hand corner of the web page. I quite like this as it means the viewer has to look around the web page, similar to our poster, however I later changed this placement. You can also see that I removed the background behind the page names, and tried to make it look a little more professional, I think the simple lines dividing the pages works better, instead of large buttons, covering up our background image. You can finally see I have placed social networking links beneath the positioning of where our finished trailer will go. 

In this final shot, you can see the final tweaks I made to the web page, I first changed the names of the pages, as our first ones were very generic, and yes, they still are but I think I have phrased it better this time. We can always change this at a later date. I have also added some critics' reviews, I haven't decided on where these reviews are meant to have come from yet, however I did this to check both the placement and font size & colour. I think they work quite well, they don't invade the photograph of the protagonist too much, and they don't cause the viewer to scroll down. The last change I made was to the placement of the second half of the tag line. I decided to put it in the bottom right hand corner of the header instead, this is because I think if it is below the reviews it may confuse some people, and there is also the risk that people will have to scroll down to see it. I also decided that placing it on the left hand side wouldn't flow very well, and it may just look very out of place. 

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