Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 6 December 2013

Images/Video for the Green Screen

For this we decided that we wanted various shots of pills going down the drain and loads colourful and disorientating videos.

EXAMPLE 1: Here we have an optical illusion which could be rather effective to show the state of her mind.
The lines are disorientating and the black and white seems to blur into one.

EXAMPLE 2: We also wanted to have a padded cell involved in order to show the state of her mind. We thought we could put some green screen on the floor and have her curl up, and then we could move her onto the photo. However there is a possibility that this might not work but if it does it would be very effective.

-This was harder to achieve as the lighting in the room didn't match the way we had lit up the character, therefore we decided not to use this as we didn't wish to seem unprofessional.
Another idea we had was close ups of certain body parts, for example eyes. This is because it would link more to the psychological genre and the eyes are in extreme detail so its a bit chilling.

We decided not to use this clip as because the progatonist would be walking around infront of the eye the audience may have difficulty understanding the relevance and what the object actually is. Although it is quite chilling it doesn't have an explicit link to our genre and so isn't suitable.

EXAMPLE 3: We also thought we could have a lot of pills in the background in order to link this to the psychological genre and show that she has a mental illness.
The amount of different pills there could also suggest that she is under a lot of medication.

-The image we are most likely to use is the one with the pills as it has an explicit link to our genre and helps the audience understand that our protagonist's condition means she is constantly taking medication in order to fit in and avoid any breakdowns.

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