Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Saturday 14 December 2013

Official Storyboard

Box 1:
- This box demonstrates the time lapse at the beginning, which will be of the sun going down/up as the protagonist is sitting against a tree reading. 

Box 2 & 3:
- These boxes is show the library scene where there are close up shots of hands, eyes and faces, long shots of the protagonist and the antagonist, and pov shots. This scene will provide the equilibrium before the trailer gets worse. 

Box 4:
- This box shows the scene where the protagonist is spying on the antagonist, here we have some close up shots of lips and legs, we have high angle shots of the antagonist doing stuff such as drying her hair, we have over the shoulder shots of the protagonist, we have an establishing shot of the antagonist's room which is edited with a flashing recording sign. 

Box 5:
- This is the green screen section, where we have the protagonist scrolling through the antagonist's facebook page until she comes across an upsetting post and she slams the laptop shut. Then we have her imaginary friend whisper 'Charley' repetitively into her ear. 

Box 6:
- Here we have the physical stalking scene where the camera stays the same with a long shot of the antagonist walking down an alley way and turning out, and then it pans down to see the protagonist's feet waiting for the antagonist at the end of the alleyway. 

Box 7:
- This portrays the montage scene, where we will have shots from the green screen, close up shots and shots that were taken from other footage found on YouTube that is relevant to our trailer. 

Box 8:
- This is the final scene, here we have close up shots of the antagonists face, POV shots of the room and her body tied up to a chair, and a long shot of her tied to a chair and screaming. This is the final scene which will hopefully provide the jump at the end. 

- I feel that the way the scenes progress are suitable as they raise enough tension and although not much is revealed I feel enough has been revealed to ensure the audience is following.

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