Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 6 December 2013

Editing the loft scene

The loft scene is the last part of the trailer which provides the climax. It must be very short, but the scariest and most shocking part of the trailer in order to provide the effect we need.
It consists of a slow montage sequence and then a fast paced climax which shows the actor realising that she has been kidnapped.

 1) To begin with I chose the relevant clips for the scene. I selected many clips which features the shot out of focus and then gradually coming into focus in order to show her waking up.

2) I included many slow panning shots as this gives a
sleepy effect which mimics her awaking.

3) I put all this clips in the relevant order, and then changed the timing of them by either slowing them down or speeding them up.

4)  I made the clips of the lightbulb, which shows the light being too bright at the beginning, with a slow pan to make it seem as though she is just waking up.

5) I included a eye-line match shot featuring her head looking downwards and then a close-up POV shot of her seeing her hands bloodied by her sides.


  • The visual effects are effective and create added tension.
  • The POV shots put across a sense of perception, conventional of genre.
  • The variation in camera angles and shots makes it interesting to watch.
  • The lighting changes make the lighting suit the genre by making it darker and creepier. 

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