Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 19 December 2013

Making the Poster A4

-One thing I noticed when creating the poster was that the image was square, I realised we wouldn't be able to use if it this was the case therefore I researched the size of an A4 sheet and resized the image.
- This meant that the image appeared a bit stretched, however it could just be that it looks different to the previous image and wouldn't be that noticeable if someone who had never seen the poster before looked at it.
- When I did this I then noticed that the title was obviously too big and the typography didn't fit, therefore I had to resize all of this as well and so that it would look okay.
- However now all the typography looks squashed therefore I will need to create the tagline again on the poster so that it is the correct size and so that it doesn't pixilate and then I will need to drag the title 'UNHINGED' back onto the poster.
- Because I had to reinsert the tagline I then decided to play around with the shadows and blurriness of the text.

- In the tagline below I duplicated the layers and made the second one extremely blurry so that it would be a shadow underneath the text.
- I then made herself blurrier than the rest to show that the line between what is real and what isn't is very fuzzy for our protagonist.
- I then also inserted images of the production companies we are using and put them in the gaps visible on either side of the text.

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