Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Website deconstruction

Website Deconstruction


  • The Bittersweet trailer is clearly a psychological horror - the main antagonist is presented as a young girl and her friends at her birthday celebration. The tagline at the top of the page reads "you're invited to Lucy's bittersweet birthday party" creating an innocent ring to it but through the use of the typography and the black background we can understand that there is a deeper meaning behind the tagline suggesting some sort of disequilibrium within the plot of the film as does the oxymoron within the tagline. The use of a young antagonist is becoming a convention within psychological horrors therefore making it quite suitable for the genre.
  • The target audience may aim from 16+, the website doesn't hold any gruesome pictures or scenes from the film where as the trailer does. Making it suitable for a target audience, it also provides links to social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter,YouTube, Pinterest and Google + allowing their target audience to share and promote their trailer - this is also a good use of convergence.
  • Their choice of image is the main antagonist holding her birthday cake - the use of lighting to only highlight her inner face adds dynamic to her character allowing the audience to know that her character is not as innocent as she seems. The lighting predominantly falls on her inner face so her outer face and shoulders blend into the black background of the website thus making it look extremely professional and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. 
  • The embedded trailer does not start automatically when you enter the site, however this can be a good thing for those who require the site for other needs such as information about the cast.
  • The title of the film "Bittersweet" is clearly embedded into the website within the tagline making it professional and creative in the sense that it doesn't follow the usual title and tagline placement.
  • The sizing may be a bit small in terms of the font size on the navigation bar although they are still able to be read. The choice of white is good as it doesn't clash with the other colours present on the website and it also stands out. The font could have been bolder making it easier not to dismiss. The typography does not remain the same for the title, menu and reviews but this distinguishes them from each other and presents them clearly.
  • The use of critics reviews on the right hand side of the site are useful. They have all described the film in different ways such as "beautifully disgusting" and just a 5 star rating creating rave before the films release. 
  • There are links to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Google + allowing the audience to share and promote the trailer prior to release and this is a good use of convergence.
  • The overall colour scheme is black, white and pink. Shying away from the conventional black, white and red. The
  • The site is also user friendly as no scrolling is needed for any pages, allowing links to information about the movie as accessible as possible. 


  • The Alternet trailer focuses on the use of social networking, paying close attention to Facebook and the dangers and disguises that some people use it as. Due to its focus on social networking it has a clear target audience and this is presented clearly through the website graphics and the trailer itself.There is no graphic images used throughout the trailer and nor are any on the website. It is clear within its genre and it's point what it's trying to portray making it suitable for its genre.
  • The use of strong language used in the trailer aims it at an audience of 15+ , there is no use of any gruesome images or clips within the trailer.Making it suitable for a target audience, it also provides links to social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter,YouTube, Blogger and Tumblr allowing their target audience to share and promote their trailer - this is also a good use of convergence.
  • Their choice of image is the main antagonist looking directly to the audience. The use of lighting, highlights the whole of his face and eyes, whereas anything further down such as is shoulders are blended into the black background of the website. The lighting and quality of the picture is good therefore making it look professional and the dominant of the site: the first thing your eyes go to. 
  • The embedded trailer does start automatically when you enter the site. This is easy as it doesn't require you to look around the site to find it making it easy and accessible as well as user friendly
  • The title of the film "alternet" is clearly embedded into the website using the Facebook search bar menu as its format. It appears to be a little too small but it looks realistic in the context that it's supposed to fit into the Facebook bar making it look professional and creative in the sense that it doesn't follow the usual title and tagline placement. The tagline is placed in the search bar reading "become your fantasy" with a friend request on the left hand side of it - basically summing up the film from the use of the title and tagline and how they are presented. 
  • The sizing of the menu is good and clear. It's also in blue therefore making it stand out from the rest of the site and does not clash with the theme of it.
  • The use of critics reviews on underneath the trailer is good - it includes the star ratings and quotes such as "brilliant and profound". The placement of it also gives you no option but to read it as it's directly underneath the trailer however you would need to scroll to get to it - therefore not making it very user friendly.
  • There are links to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger and Tumblr allowing the audience to share and promote the trailer prior to release and this is a good use of convergence.
  • The overall colour scheme is black, white and blue. Following the colours of Facebook which is what their film idea is based upon. 
  • The site is also not as user friendly as a scroll is required therefore some information about the film may be cut off or not read.

Vendetta: http://vendettamovie.wix.com/mediagroup5

  • The Vendetta trailer is clearly a supernatural horror - the main antagonist is presented as a young girl. (ghost) looking for revenge. There is no tagline on the website on behalf of the film but the dominant which is the antagonist is the center of the menu and appears on screen as a ghost/holographic character, making it suitable for its genre.  
  • The target audience may aim from 15+, the website doesn't hold any gruesome pictures or scenes from the film where as the trailer does have some scenes that viewers may find disturbing. Making it suitable for a target audience, it also provides links to social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter,YouTube, Blogger and Flickr allowing their target audience to share and promote their trailer - this is also a good use of convergence.
  • Their choice of image is the main protagonist in her night gown positioned in the middle of the menu - the use of lighting exposes everything making her look pale and highlighting the dirt on her face and gown as if she found her way out of her own grave.
  • The embedded trailer does start automatically when you enter the site, however this can be a good thing for those who require the site for other needs such as information about the cast.
  • The title of the film "Vendetta" is clearly embedded into the website at the top but centred in a red, teared like typography. Linking into the well known scene of the protagonist being dragged by the antagonist. 
  • The sizing of the font is reasonable as it is clear and easy to read. The choice of white with a red outline keeps within the colour scheme of black, red and white. It also glows in red once you hover over a link in the menu alerting users of what they're about to click on as well as tying it in with the supernatural genre.  
  • There are no use of critics reviews, making the website look rather unreliable as a source of information about the film.
  • There are links to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger and Flickr allowing the audience to share and promote the trailer prior to release and this is a good use of convergence.
  • The overall colour scheme is black, red and white, in keeping the traditional horror movie colours. Too it's user friendly as no scrolling is required to see the all the information on pages and the soundtrack used within the trailer plays as you navigate yourself around the website. 

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