Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Sunday 14 July 2013

Deconstruction of Posters- Natasha

Harry Potter 7: Part Two


•The majority of the shot is taken up by the characters who are well-known.
•Characters are head-on which indicates a feud, however they are at an intimate distance showing that they probably have a long history.
•The wand in the middle separates them but indicates something supernatural in the genre.
•Supernatural green hints at the magical element, cloudy in the background indicates troubling times.
•Red flames at the bottom which shine on the character’s faces and the cuts on their faces shows that it’s going to be a passionate battle and there will be bloodshed.


•No title and short, serious tagline which plays upon the fact that everyone knows what it’s all about. Also shows that it’s been long waited for.
•Has the date of it’s release.
•White text which contrasts against the dark background, it’s also in capitals which gives it a dramatic edge.
•Lacks any other text, makes it very simplistic yet powerful.

Human Centipede 2


•The background is very white which emphasises how disgusting the centipede looks.
•The white gives the impression that something pure and innocent is being destroyed/dirtied.
•The centipede is symbolic for the theme of the movie and reminds people of the first one.
•Automatically quite gruesome which indicates the genre.


•Completely minimalistic, the tagline is in the centre and the centipede’s direction makes the eyes travel down to it.
•Tagline is small and it’s a bold statement.
•The full stop at the end makes it blunt and adds impact.
•The black contrasts against the white background and it is in capitals.
•The title of the movie has been abbreviated so it promotes fan ownership as the audience is meant to figure it out.
•Overall the poster is minimal and only has the basic information.



•A drawing which looks like it has been scribbled down.
•Background looks blood stained which indicates bloodshed and trauma.
•The face is demonic and looks evil with very sharp eyebrows and allows the audience to know there is a terrifying antagonist therefore will attract the horror fan base.
•Uses the tradition horror colours of red, black and white, so the audience knows what to expect.


•The title seems rather religious and archaic.
•Block capitals and white which stands out from the dark background.
•Tagline is small, rhetorical question. Mysterious element about it.

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