Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Monday 1 July 2013

Initial ideas for our narrative

This week, we only have two group members so we are coming up with some initial ideas which can be discussed with the whole group at a later date. Here are some of the top psychological films:
  1. Shutter Island
  2. Black Swan
  3. Se7en
  4. The Butterfly Effect
  5. Fight Club
  6. The Ring
When looking into these films, we came up with the following themes which we can use as a basis for our plot ideas. 
  • Reality
  • Perception
  • Mind
  • Existence/purpose
  • Identity
  • Death
We came up with the following ideas when combining the themes above with our areas of research, including mental illness and privacy. When we are a full group again, we will discuss these areas of research and ensure that they are appropriate for our plot ideas and final outcome. 

  1. We could have a narrative which revolves around the use of webcams in everyday life and watches innocent victims as they use their computers or electronic devices. This would relate nicely to our privacy idea and could have a psychological element because we could include the idea of paranoia and this would link to the theme of reality and perception. We could also link it to the character that is watching/in control of watching the webcams and their intentions. This could link to mental illness. 
  2. Virtual reality idea - every body stops living their real life and lives it through the virtual equivalent and shares all moments of their life with their virtual or 'real' friends. In terms of the trailer, it could be represented through a montage with fast paced clips showing the progression from an idea to a reality. 

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