Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Green Screen - Our idea

Our idea:
- We decided that for this trailer we wanted to utilise a green screen, this was because we felt it would be effective to have the main character's imaginary friend be herself.
- To do this we have decided to create a room with some black flats and cover them up with green fabric, this would show that the character is trapped in this room and we would therefore be able to experiment with the backgrounds of the room to portray her illness.
- Here are a few examples of what we might do to the background:

  • To begin with we thought that starting off with the person's room would be effective as it would portray the illness getting worse due to discrimination. This would be shown by showing the person's bedroom prior to the discrimination, and then after the room would never be the same again. 
  • Once the person has begun to deteriorate, the background will begin to change. One idea we had was simply a white background, similar to a mental asylum in order to portray the person's mental torture. 
  • Other ideas involved horrific nightmarish backgrounds to once again show the torture the person is going through. 
  • We felt this would help the audience to sympathise with the character as we would be putting them in the character's shoes and making them realise the how extreme the illness can get. 

How this links in with schizophrenia:
- From our research we can see that hallucinations is the main symptom of schizophrenia, therefore we felt that making the background of the room change depending on the mood of the character would be effective for our trailer.
- Of course there would also be the imaginary friend which is key to our trailer.

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