Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Monday 22 July 2013

Website Deconstruction Presentation

Website Deconstruction Presentation 

The Purge

  • Title of film - the typography remains the same for it to be a promotional package.
  • Convergence: YoutTube and Google +links
  • The colour scheme links to the colour scheme used within the film.
  • Tag line is used again in the trailer
  • Clearly stated date of release
  • Picture - the famous shadowed mask
  • Production company is evident
  • Links to the trailer
  • Links to the synopsis of the film
  • Links to purchase tickets in order to see the film
  • Links to the gallery of scenes that are mainly seen in the trailer so it doesn't give away too much of the narrative.

  • User friendly: doesn’t scroll
  • Links to about the movie, galley, features and videos related to the film
  • Name and tag line in the films typography
  • Animated menu using still shots from scene – change often allowing the audience to get a feel for the film.
  • Transitioning banner at the top of the site with quotes from critics
  • Links to social networking sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Google
  • Loading page
  • Links to about the movie, gallery, feature and videos related to the film.
  • Name of the film and tag line illustrated in the film's overall typography
  • Animates menu using still shots from scene - change often allowing the audience to get a feel for the film.
  • Transitioning banner at the top of the site with quotes from critics
  • Links to purchasing tickets
  • In the bottom left corner there is a link to a motion poster for the film
  • Eerie, discordant music plays in the background as you navigate your way around the site.
Iron Man

  • Image of the protagonist is the dominant as soon as you open site.
  • Links to about the film, characters, video, cast and crew, downloads, images, partners, games, music, iron man tech and links to buying tickets.
  • At the bottom there are links to sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube - convergence
  • Title of film clearly presented on the site
  • Colour scheme of blue, red, and gold are used - futuristic feel.
  • Trailer starts as soon as you enter the site.
  • The soundtrack of the music plays in the background as you look through the site.
  • Carousel on site changes when your mouse hovers over it to other pages such as "about the film" with images from the film itself.
  • Links to about the film, characters, video, cast and crew, downloads, images, partners, games, music, Iron Man tech and links to buying tickets.
  • At the bottom there are links to sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube - Convergence
  • Another form of convergence would be 3D movies which  it is available in.
  • The link in the gold box at the bottom right side of the site links you to the trailer.
  • User friendly - no need to scroll down.
  • Name of film in white/glowing typography
  • Links to product features, photo gallery, synopsis and cast
  • Links to purchasing the DVD/ Blu-Ray or digital download
  • Trailer is in the middle of the site
  • Music starts as soon as you enter the site to give more of an atmospheric feel.
  • The trailer starts as soon as you enter the site 
  • The ongoing GIF. of the child under the heading of " lost children" link in well with the plot of the movie.
  • There is a loading page prior to entering the site.
  • The soundtrack of the film or a particular scene from the film plays in the background as you navigate your way around the site. This adds a tense atmosphere and ables the sire to have more of an impact on you as you learn about the narrative of it.
  • Links to the trailer, fan fiction on Tumblr ( a good use of convergence), and research to a lost children and scenes from the film.
  • The typography of the site does not remain the same as the titles but they work well together to compliment the narrative of the film.

The Great Gatsby
  •  Quick loading page to the website with title in the films typography
  • Links to buying tickets, videos , gallery, “guide to style”, about the film, about the book, downloads, sweepstakes, Gatsby’s journal, monogram maker, avatar creator, worldwide release dates and #Gatsbypics – convergence to social networking sites (Twitter) – Interaction with audience.
  • Small arrows along the menu to navigate to the options (listed above) the website offers.
  • In the top left the name of the title is highlighted by the choice of metal like typography illustrating the riches linking into the plotline.
  • Features pictures from the film with options to share them through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • At the bottom of the page the site pays credit to the companies that contributed towards the film such as Tiffany & Co.
  • Bottom right: links to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube and Getglue.
  • Scrolls – not so user friendly

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