Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Trailer website deconstruction

The Resolution

- Before you enter the site there are extracts from the trailer and related extra footage, there is then a button at the top right of the screen which allows you to enter the site.
- The trailer begins to play automatically, is embedded and is the first thing you see when you go on the site.
- Title of the movie up at the top, its the second you see as it is in block capitals. All of the text on this page is of the same typography and is all in white, it also has the same block black background. This is professional as the text is consistent and simple, it's location on the screen is eye catching.
- Second biggest thing is the release date which is aligned with the trailer and which stands out a lot.
- There is the tagline of the movie written in between the title and the release date, which was said in the trailer and so it starts to stick in people's mind.
- There is then three buttons: Home, Join us and Merchandise, apart from the Home button (as we are already on the home screen) all these buttons work. The facebook, youtube, twitter and blogger buttons are all functioning and all lead to real 'The Resolution' sites that were made especially. These social networking sites are suitable as they relate to young adults who use technology and websites to socialise. The logos are also very simple and professional and look better than text, it also takes up less space and is in alignment with the words.
-It is also very interactive as it has big words stating 'Join Us' and it is encouraging people to connect with them by having all the social networking sites up and simply laid out.
- The background of the site is a flickering screen which suits the genre as it seems to be a creepy, ritual film linking in with social networking and technology.
-There is also a static noise in the background which also suits the movie, therefore I do feel that this site is suitable for it's genre. This is also a rather professional as it doesn't look tacky as is rather effective considering there were limits on what could be done.
- There are no critics reviews which I think is a shame as this would have added credibility to the website especially as a lot of effort was put into ensuring the links went to actual sites dedicated to the film.
-The overall colour scheme all matches and is not too extravagant, it also suits the trailer as that was mainly white.
- It is also very user friendly, everything is simply laid out, there is no need to scroll or search for anything, nearly everything you would need is up on the website.

- As you enter the site the trailer begins to play automatically, it is embedded into the website and works well.
- The title of the movie stands out from the rest and is well centred in the website, the red of the title links to the red of the release date which might not have been placed in the best of places as I didn't see it until I looked so it didn't jump out at me.
- The title is well placed and much bigger than the rest of the text which is think was a good choice.
- The white of the 'Book Now' is particularly effective as the main reason for a trailer website is to advertise in order to get money therefore this gets straight to the point and allows people to book off the website.
- All the text is in the same typography and the colour scheme used is effective as it is the traditional colours of horror: red, white and black. (this is suitable for the genre as it is horror)
- The tagline of the movie is below the title and although its small it is effective due to the choice of words. The rest of the links are well laid out and are well aligned. All links are functioning.
-  The background is suitable as it has been put in black and white which firstly matches the colour scheme and secondly it is a rather creepy image. It is also the location of the trailer therefore it is a suitable image. It is also rather professional and very simple as it gets across the point without too much flamboyance.
- As there is nothing which isn't matching the atmosphere it's giving off the site is suitable for the target audience who are clearly those who enjoy horror films.
- Unfortunately there are no critics reviews on this site.
- Social networking has been involved and is below the trailer.
- This site is rather user-friendly as there is no need to scroll and everything you need to access is there.

- The trailer starts automatically and is embedded into the website. This gives it a sense of professionalism as it requires the viewer to do less things and it immediately takes the viewers attention as soon as they enter the page.
- The title stands out first as it is the biggest thing on the screen and the text is white which makes it stand out from the background. It's placement is at the top left hand corner which I think is rather professional as it is at the start of the website and the eye travels down the website after reading the title.
- Not all the text is the same typography, however the other typography used isn't extravagant and is rather simple therefore it doesn't look too ridiculous.
- The image is effective and is fitting for the genre and movie as it is red which gives connotations of death and danger. The tattoo seems suitable as the font gives an idea of tribal life. There are many links and options and it is very inclusive of all.
- It also seem all inclusive as it has the ability to translate the website, however these links do not work therefore it is more a decorative piece as there is no use for it.
- It allows you to listen to the soundtrack, it has a photo gallery and so on. It is also well connected with many social networking sites underneath the trailer and therefore is encouraging contact and is interacting with fans.
- There are critic reviews on the site which completes the site as it makes is believable.
- The release date is also present.
- There is use of convergence as it links to amazon and iTunes.
- The site is user friendly, there is no need to scroll down and everything is clear and simple.
- Most of the links are working however the social networking links except twitter and facebook aren't working therefore more attention should have been put in to ensure all the links were working even if they went to a blank page.

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