Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 10 January 2014

Unhinged sound

Unhinged sound

For our trailer, we now have to input all of our non diegetic sound onto our footage. Each scene of our footage uses different amounts of sound to build suspense up to the end of our trailer. To make the process of inputting the sound easier, we decided to produce and manipulate our choice in sounds using Logic Pro and then exporting then as mp3 files ready to attach to our footage. 

In order to do this, we had to figure out what kind of non diegetic sound would suit our trailer the best. This formed to be extremely difficult for us as our trailer explores many themes within it such as discrimination and privacy. We also wanted to make sure that the sound built up to the montage scene, by layering the audio of documentaries based around Schizophrenia onto each other. Therefore, we would have to keep the non diegetic sound up to the montage scene fairly simple in terms of the melody and dynamics. We decided that a simple piano melody that builds up to a climax would suit our trailer extremely well. 

To achieve the sound we were hoping for, I had to manipulate the music by watching our footage at the same time, to see what would fit the best where. This also opened up the opportunity to try various new sounds without it effecting our trailer whatsoever as the sound, in the screen shot on the left, is still being edited.
 To edit the sound, I used Logic Pro as it enabled me to manipulate each track independently of any others that I already had inserted into the project. For example, once I had recorded the simple piano melody for our library scene, I needed to layer over the sound of a high ringing noise to create a minute disequilibrium in the sound. However, once I inserted the high ringing noise, it was extremely loud in comparison to the piano melody which was our dominant sound. In order to adjust this, I had to open the mixer, select the track that I had placed the high ringing noise on and pull down the fader to just adjust its sound. 

Producing and editing the sound for the trailer alongside our footage helped incredibly! When looking through  our footage in relation to the sound, it was clear that another layer needed to be added, in order for the second title to be as effective as it can. Therefore, I decided to add a low rumbling bass sound to the sound, making sure that the places that the bass beat is played works, and fits in effectively to our trailer.
To make sure that the bass track that I had produced fell in all the right places, I double clicked on the tracks and was able to see exactly where all the sounds aligned together, as shown in the screen shot to the left. Once I aligned the sounds into the correct places in terms of the footage, the sound covers a large majority of our trailer. In order to complete the sound production of our trailer, all that it left to do is input the montage scene and sound.  This is what the sound composes of so far:

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