Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Friday 10 January 2014

Layering the audio of the news-clips

Layering the audio of the news-clips

Step 1:
- First I detached the audio from the videos clips. 
- I then dragged them along so that they followed the news clip in the montage and made them overlap one another in certain areas which would make it sound overwhelming to the audience. 
Step 2:
-I also repeated a few words such as 'insanity' throughout to quicken the pace and suggest the instability of the protagonist's mind. 
Step 3:
- Once I had the layout sorted I then played around with the effects, adding distortions to the audio or making it sound demonic. 
- One effect I did was called 'monster' which made the audio sound much deeper than it actually was, another made the audio have an echo which I added onto the clip mentioning 'hallucinations.'
- Although the tension doesn't build I feel it will sound much more effective with the cinematic bass sounds at every black slide and with the high tension music leading to the loft scene. 
- We are also considering adding a 'whooshing' sound at the end before the silence in order to signal to the audience the end of the climax. 

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