Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 9 January 2014

Altering the website background gif

After recently reviewing our website. and making our final improvements to it, it came to attention that the gif I had made for the background, making the imaginary friend flicker was moving too fast. After a while you notice the pattern and it was too frequent. Below you can see the original timeline in photoshop for the gif.
The original image, where the imaginary friend's face can be seen is in the bottom level of the timeline. As you can see, I have it repeating three times for an equal amount of time, while then being shown for a short burst at the end. The other image, where the imaginary friend is just a silhouette, was shown for a short burst three times, each showing was of equal length. At the end, it was shown twice very quickly, because I thought that it would catch the viewer's attention on the webpage. However, this was thought to be distracting.

Here you can see I have radically changed the timings for the two images. There is no regular length anymore, this makes it harder for the viewer to spot any kind of pattern and means that they will be less likely to know when the images are going to change. I have also made the imaginary friend's face disappear a lot less frequently, and when it does it is only for a short time. This means that the viewer may not even notice it missing, but when they do, it will give quite a spooky effect. 

I have now uploaded the final edited gif to our website, and think that it is better, because it is more unexpected and means that you cannot predict it. 

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