Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Thursday 6 February 2014

Final website tweaks

As we are coming to the end of developing all parts of the promotional package for our teaser trailer, we decided to make some final adjustments to the website so it fitted well with the new typography on the poster.
First of all, using Photoshop, I took the typography from our poster and changed the colour to white, as we thought this would probably show up most on our website, and would fit with the rest of the typography currently on there.
Here you can see I uploaded the typography onto our website, after removing our other design. I resized the image and positioned it on the left hand side of the webpage. This still fits in with the template, matches the typography placement of the poster, and is the part of the webpage where the typography should show up best.
Here you can see my final placement of the typography. We had a discussion as a group and decided we really liked using the new design on our website, however, we did have some concerns about the typography not being very easy to read, due to the bright tones in the background picture. We decided to create another version and compare the two, to ensure we were making the right decision.
Here you can see I went back to Photoshop and used the typography which was black, exactly as it is on the poster. I then saved this as a transparent file and uploaded it onto our website removing the white one.

Here you can see I positioned the typography in the same place, and was quite happy with the results. However, as a group we discussed again how this would be quite difficult to read too, because of the darker tones in the photograph in the background. Due to this, for now we have picked the white version of the typography, because it matches the rest of the typography on the site.

We also decided that it would be best to change the placement of the tagline, so that it matches a similar format of our poster, you can see the results of this in our final image below.

In addition to these final tweaks, I also had to add to the social networking links we had on the website, including both Twitter and Facebook. I have now added this links onto our webpage and below you can see the final website. 

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