Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Natasha Welch 7399
Townley Grammar School - 14109

Monday 24 June 2013

Research: Social Networking

Online activities
When researching social networking in more depth, it became clear that there are a lot impacts stemming from our online activities. I used the episode of Black Mirror called 'Be Right Back' to help me investigate further. The idea of the episode it to remind us how much information we post about ourselves onto the internet. Every tweet, every status update, every Instagram photo, it's all there, forever. It is important to address this when thinking about social networking as a cultural influence for our trailer, as we could focus on how our lives are saved on the internet, and all these virtual moments will last longer than us.  The program uses technology that we do not have, but it is a good way of demonstrating how in the near future, technology enabling us to 'talk to the dead' via an app, or other means of communication could become widely available, especially with our internet history - forever 
expanding everyday. 

We can also link this idea to privacy.  In the last post, I mentioned how nothing is really private, as everything is uploaded onto the interent and is available for anyone to see. In the program, this can be identified as the character 'Ash' is drowning in social networking. He is obsessed by sharing things he encouters, and even admits he does he because it might be entertaining to somebody. On a daily basis, we share comments on Twitter about what we have done, or our opinions on a 'trending topic', this has become addictive for many, as we don't do it for a reason, it is just a long time habit.

Who are we talking to?
Another point which is interesting to point out is the idea that we never really know who we are talking to. There are multiple profiles which can be made to look realistic by having a picture and a few pieces of general information, almost like the episode when the protagonist uploads all the data so a fake profile of Ash can be created. We never really know without talking face to face about whether their profile is real or not. This could cause concern when thinking about privacy as we share information online with our friends. This can allow people to steal infornation and also make our profiles vulnerable to being faked too. 

Social Networking
Social networking can also make us neglect events in the real world. We become so immersed in the virtual world that we forget there are things happening around us. This is seen when Ash is paying so much attention to his phone he doesn't even realise his girlfriend is trying  to get in the car. We should consider thjs when thinking about ideas for filming because we could use it in a scenario about a character who is so oblivous to their surroundings that they are in trouble and have lost sight of what really matters. 

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