Point 1:
- Establishing shot of the house, sets the scene
- Close up of main character's face, clearly see her sad/thoughtful expression.
- Moves from long shot to medium shot to close up of her face, gradually getting closer to her.
- Graphic match of Lux's face as she walks closer to the camera.
- Time lapse of the house at the beginning, shows time passing.
- Blue filter has been put over the film.
Mise En Scene:
- House mostly in darkness, with a shard of light (low key lighting) melancholic mood, foreboding feeling.
- Blue connotes sadness and depression, it's the dominant colour showing that its the main part of her life. Also shows her boredom.
- All five have blonde hair, connoting innocence which is subverted in the trailer.
- All wearing school uniform, shows their youth and the fact that they are all grouped together shows that they are difficult to talk to.

- Non diegetic music, rather slow and sad yet it has a beat to give it pace.
- Demonstrates the girls' sad and boring lives, gives a melancholy feel to the trailer and foreshadows the ending.
Point 2:
- Medium shots of both the mum and Lux, juxtaposes the characters.
- Medium shots of the three teenagers at the dinner table, doesn't show the boy by himself. He looks out of place.
- Close up of feet under the table
- Invited a boy round when the parents are very religious, they are disobeying their parents without them realising.
Mise En Scene:
- Juxtaposes Lux and her mum as Lux is wearing a vest top with pink straps, which shows a lot of her shoulders. Whereas her mum is wearing an unflattering brown turtle neck.
- The cross at her neck shows that she is religious and her actions back this up.
- Two other daughters are covering up their shoulders, shows the influence of their parents.

- The under the table shot is very dark, contrasting with whats going on over the table, this shows that the daughters aren't really innocent.
- Cuts to the mum after she tells Lux to put a jacket on in order to show that she is completely covered up.

- Diegetic dialogue of the dad asking the boy questions.
- Diegetic dialogue of Lux asking the boy if he likes to wrestle, which is then followed by nervous laughter.
- These show that there are loads of innuendos and hints in the girls' mannerisms, however the parents do not catch on and the girls are taking advantage of that.
Point 3
Camera Angles/Shots/Movements:
- Medium shot of Luxe talking to the boy, gives the impression that she is being spied upon.
- Close up of the guy looking out the window at Luxe while she is laughing, showing he is watching her.
- Close up of Luxe looking at her shoulder with grass on, shows her laughing at simple things.
- Very fairy like, light music.

Mise En Scene:
- White shirts on all the characters with both the guys having a bit of black (the one making her laugh wearing a black tee shirt and the other guy wearing a black tie)
- This connotes innocence but also a certain amount of darkness in order to contrast the characters.
- The scenes with Luxe have been slowed down to show how much importance the boy is putting on such a small part of her life.
- The scenes have been cross cut to show that he is watching and studying her movements, which also match up with the dialogue as it suggests that he often watches her and is possibly obsessed.

- The writing is white which shows innocence and is centred, its handwritten and rather loopy and swirly like a teenaged girl's hand writing.
- Short mysterious sentences leave the audience wondering what the next one will say and gives a much more mysterious feel to the trailer.
- Many of the scenes leading off from the text suit the text very well e.g. after the 'and Beauty' there is a close up of Luxe's face which slowly gets into focus as she turns around. This is showing how beautiful Luxe is and is creating links between the content of the text and the scenes.
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