The story will begin with the characters life being pretty stable, however she is starting to experience some of the symptoms of schizophrenia, through random flashbacks as well as voices and disorientating noises in her head. In this first section we will feature the discrimination that the character faces from another:
- We will use a time-lapse of the character sitting alone in a field with the sunset behind/in front of them to begin with, in order to convey her reflective and thoughtful nature, as well as to easily put across how she is a fairly introverted person.
- Then, we will feature the character being judged by another character. After intensive research, I have found that many people are afraid of victims of mental illness and so we will try and display this in the actions and expressions of another character.
- The scene will be set in school/college as it is around the ages of 17-19 that the symptoms of schizophrenia usually arise in people. Therefore, the discrimination scene will take place potentially in a school library. I thought this would be effective as it will back up the reflective, intelligent nature of the character. As well as this, due to the silence of a library the actions of the characters will be emphasised.
- We can utilise some close-up shots of the protagonists' hands running over books in the library.
- We can feature the protagonist starting to experience some of the symptoms of schizophrenia in the library, using jump cuts of patterns and disorientating non-diegetic sounds which can get increasingly loud to show their unstable state of mind. The character will be visibly distressed in the scene.
- Then, contrast this with the POV of another character, where the silence of the setting will come in handy as a juxtaposition to the previous shot. The other character will be slightly wary and look towards the protagonist with a judgemental expression. This close-up of the character can be used as a cutaway later on in the trailer to emphasise how the protagonist is haunted by the discrimination of other characters.
The second section will run throughout the film and will be of the character having hallucinations and imagining a friend, who will talk to them and make them do things. In my research into schizophrenia, some people have discussed how they can experience 'imaginary friends' who cause them to feel inclined to violence. This is especially prominent in child schizophrenia.
- This section will be all filmed with a green screen in order that we can change the background, and use the same actor for both parts which will make the trailer more surreal and therefore more effectively reflect the symptoms of the illness.
- We will begin with a fairly calm shot with the characters sitting by one another but the imaginary character will have to wear clothing which will obviously distinguish them from the protagonist. The imaginary character will remind the protagonist of the expression of the judging character and tease her about it, causing them to become obsessed with the victim.
The third section will incorporate aspects of social networking as well as privacy and CCTV. We will show how the protagonist is deteriorating and becoming obsessed with the other character by featuring them stalking them through website, and hacking into their webcams and phone cameras.
- We will feature a shot of the character whom judged the protagonist in the first scene wandering around their room privately.
- Then, we will use a panning down shot which will show the character's laptop/pc on the opposite side of the room.
- Then, we will use a close-up of the webcam turning on with the light appearing.
- Following this, there will be shots through the webcam as well as close-ups of photos and the character's facebook profile.
At this point, the pace of the trailer will increase and we will continually return to cutaways of the second section with the imaginary character, as she fuels the protagonists' anger and obsession.
- We will show more surreal disorientating close-up shots (perhaps canted) of the protagonists' mental state deteriorating, showing their state of panic.
- We will include some shots which feature the imaginary friend as threatening, through low-angles as well as including two shots of the imaginary friend strangling the protagonist and screaming at her in order to force her to do things. We can include close-ups of the antagonist's hands clamping round the protagonists neck, as well as jump cuts of the antagonists face.
- This part of the trailer allows the audience to know that it is the protagonists' condition which leads her to do the things that she does to the victim. We are shown two sides to the story as we see what causes her to act in the way that she does and so we feel sympathetic towards her, yet she also scares us when we see shots of her stalking the victim. This makes for a complex, psychological plot.

These parts of the trailer will be cross cut with the shots of the protagonists' stalking and aggressive behaviour becoming worse.
- We will use long shots of the victim walking down the street, and then the protagonist following, followed by the close up of the protagonists' aggressive expression as she stalks her. This shows that her obsession has worsened dramatically as the stalking has begun to take place in real life as well as through social media/CCTV.
- We will also use disorientating close-up high angle shots of the victim curled up on the floor in their bedroom and screaming as the protagonist threatens to hurt/kill her, however these shots will be extremely fast paced and tense in order that the audience can't fully see/understand what is happening and who is hurting the victim. This keeps part of the ending of the plot a mystery. Perhaps these parts of the trailer will be filmed by hand rather than tripod in order to give a tense, shaky effect to the overall shots.
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