Part 1: At the beginning of the trailer we can see the production company displayed to the audience. It is only shown for around 3 seconds, however within this time jump cuts are used to show a close up of Hannibal Lecter. This immediately reveals part of the story line to the viewer, and when combined with the jump cutting makes it scary straight away by increasing tension. There is only non diegetic sound in this part of the trailer, and it is in time with the jump cut. again adding to the suspense from the early onset. The mise en scene that can be analysed from this point is Hannibal's clothes. They are a faded blue colour, suggesting that he is masculinity, despite the blue being faded, he still has the strength to break through the titles.
Part 2:

In this part of the trailer, non-diegetic narrative is used instead of titles. The lack of titles should be noted, because of the age of the film. This means it does not fit the modern conventions of film trailers. However, the narrator gives us a lot of information which would be shown through titles in a modern film trailer. The non diegetic narrative is composed of "A killer is on the lose" and "A rookie FBI agent is on his trailer" this gives the audience clues about the plot, and is combined with a medium low angle shot of the FBI agent showing that she is still new to the job and doesn't have a huge amount of power currently. In addition to this, despite the lack of title, we can tell that the FBI agent is entering a dangerous area because of the contrast between her white innocent top and dark surroundings.

Part 3:
In this part of the trailer, again without any titles like modern trailers, the use of montage editing has been used to convey the same message as titles would. There is also a close up shot of a detective speaking directly to the camera (could also be a POV shot) which addresses the audience and this keeps them engaged with the trailer. As part of the montage editing, we hear Hannibal say to the FBI agent, "I'll help you catch him". This shows how there is obviously a longer story to be told in the film because the agent is accepting advice from a notorious prisoner, who despite being locked up is shot with vertical composition suggesting he has a lot of strength and power over other characters.
Part 4:

The final part of the trailer does feature titles. "Silence" is shown by itself at first, in red connoting danger and bloodshed, drawing the audience's attention and making them question how this relates to the plot. Perhaps the deaths take place in silence. Clever editing is then used, the full name of the film is revealed, then the actor's name's appear along with the director, and then it jumps back to the title of the film. This is reinforcing the idea to the audience and along with the non diegetic clanging sounds, in time with the jump cuts, it adds suspense and power to the title. In having the name at the very end, it ensures the audience doesn't forget the name of the film and is eager to see the whole film.
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