Part 1 - Linda lying down

During this scene we see Linda try to continue with her job as normal but she appears to have a slight breakdown half way through. A low angle shot followed by an aerial shot shows Linda from above dancing, the increase in height above her makes her seem much smaller and very vulnerable now she no longer has Oscar in her life. She has lost all her family. Linda's surroundings represent her emotions, unlike the yellow colour which surrounded Oscar in most of scenes, this has been juxtaposed with Linda as she is seen in a very colourful environment. There is no diegetic sound in this part of the scene, instead non diegetic sound has been used to play a high pitched continuous sound - it could be representing a scream and how Linda feels inside. Linda is wearing a black bikini in this scene showing her suffering from Oscar's recent death. It also shows how she could appear white mysterious to passers by who do not know the extent of her story. When she is seen wrapping her arms around her body is again emphasizes how vulnerable and lost she as become.
Part 2 - Spinning room

An establishing shot has been used here to show us a room similar to Oscar's apartment, due to the distortion created by visual effects in the editing stage it is unclear whether it is in fact his apartment. However at the end of this part we see a blurred face which could be Oscar laying on a bed - again more visual effects were used to create this and demonstrate the effects of drug use, a major theme for this film. There is no diegetic sound in this part, telling us that drugs take you away from reality and make the user become very isolated. The non diegetic sound is make up of a low fan like sound, similar to the wind like sound previously in the film. The dark surroundings and blue curtains suggest the occupant of the apartment is usually very masculine and therefore strong, however this has been juxtaposed with their physical state while on drugs.
Part 3 - Beige Hallucination
A graphic match is used to join the spinning room to this hallucination, where a light bulb is seen dissolving into a beige pattern. Full shots have been used to show the bright lights and patterns, again accompanied by no diegetic sound, but a sound bridge has been used so the viewer hears the same low fan sound from the apartment scene during this hallucination. The colour of this hallucination remains practically the same throughout, suggesting a much more fixed frame of mind. From this we can deduce that the person, likely to be Oscar is feeling impatient and excited - both of these ideas can be supported by the pace at which the bright lights flash very quickly. The hints of yellow tell us that the drug user must be getting some kind of happiness from taking the drug.
Part 4 - Bruno and Mario's conversation

There is an aerial shot panning down to a medium shot of Bruno and Mario showing how they first appear to be vulnerable but perhaps with their knowledge of Oscar's death they have some power. Continuity editing has been used here to show time passing since Oscar's death and how the characters are reacting and carrying on with their lives. The sound in this part of the scene varies, there is another sound bridge from Linda's part in this scene, however it is also accompanied by the diegetic dialogue from Bruno. He states "I got rid of my entire stash, I just hope Oscar didn't give my name to that slime boy Victor." This shows how there is an issue between some of the character's since Oscar's death, and how they are all for themselves instead of wanting to protect others. The changing colour of the lights on the bar and surround area shows that the situation could change and again their emotions are all over the place.
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