The text on the screens:
To begin with we decided that we wanted about 5 transition screens including the final one with the title 'Unhinged' at the end. The structure of it will go like this:- The first screen will demonstrate a sense of normality, of equilibrium before things start to go downhill. We want to put this in to show that Ebony was fine and wasn't suffering from her mental illness as much before the discrimination took place, in order to open people's eyes on mental illness and bullying.
- The second one will talk about the judgement Ebony receives, the actual act of her being bullied. We want this so that once again there is much more focus on the actual bullying and there is a clear link between this one and the next.
- The third one will portray her insanity, and how she is no longer at that state of calm and normality that she was prior to the bullying.
- The fourth one will link in with the horror aspect as it will suggest that the person who bullied her will regret it as she is now haunting them. We want this because it is still meant to be entertainment, and despite having a bigger meaning it is still meant to be fun and enjoyable to watch and needs to have a sense of mystery and suspense.
- Finally the 5th one will just be the title and the release date.
The design
- We decided that our main colours will probably be white and black with a bit of either red/blue. We felt that white on black was a bit too cliche and commonly used, therefore we have decided to use black on white as we feel that it would link better with our trailer (white being closely linked to the colour of hospitals).
- We do feel, however, that this is a bit plain, therefore we feel that a slight greying around the edges of the white would be appropriate and would suggest deterioration. We also want there to be a slight hue of colour either around the letters or on the background, this colour would be either red/blue like I mentioned earlier.
- Finally we decided that in order to show her deterioration, the first slide would be plain, the second would being to have a few marks on and the rest would gradually have the words reversing, marks flickering on the background and perhaps bloody hand prints moving down the background.

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