Everyone attended the filming day and we managed to get everything we had planned completed.
- After setting everything up we began filming at 11am, we decided to hang the green screen from a black flat and shine one light from the drama studio directly onto the screen.
- In this we only had one angle as if we had changed the shot the green screen would not have worked, this was a medium shot which showed Natasha's upper body and the laptop but allowed a lot of space above her for the facebook.

- When Ebony slams the laptop down we decided to have the background go to black. An idea after this for the background was to make it go strange and distorted in order to show signs of her schizophrenia getting worse (this would show that it got worse because of the comments that were being said about her on facebook)
- This would be the moment when Ebony's imaginary friend walks on for the first time, and starts turning her against Charley.
- Here we have decided to either have her imaginary friend walk in and just sit next to her, or introduce her by using non diegetic sound (whispering) and then have her come in and whisper into Ebony's ear.
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