Point 1:

Extreme close up of the inside of a video tape as it is inserted into a VCR machine. Cuts to a shot of a white, flashing ring on a black background and immediately after static TV screen. Shot of a woman in old-fashioned dress, through a filter as if an old video. Cutaway to static TV screen again.
Montage of clips which are meant to mystify the audience. Then cuts to cross cutting between two girls as one tells the other about the rumour of the video tape. Cross cutting allows to see the expressions of both characters clearly as one is obviously terrified, making the audience scared as well.
Discordant high-pitched sound fluctuating in loudness which makes the audience uneasy. High-pitched static sound which matches the static TV screen. One of the girls telling the other "You will die in seven days", which puts across a sense of foreboding.
Mise en Scene:
Dominant colour of the close-up of the girl is green which connotes a sense a supernatural element. In the montage of clips however, the colours are predominantly black and white.
Point 2:

Close up profile shot of Rachel as she watches the Tv screen followed by a close-up of the TV screen to give the audience a sense of watching the video themselves. Close-up of Rachel's scared expression makes the audience prone to feeling scared as well. Sudden zoom towards the phone to indicate Rachel's distress as it rings.

Eye-line match from Rachel's face to the TV screen to emphasise her incredible interest and fear which makes the audience also feel scared. The cuts are sharp and quick to indicate a sense of unease.
The fluctuating high-pitched noise which creates tension. The shrill of the telephone is emphasised due to its importance to the plot.
Mise en Scene:
The dominant colour in the shot of Rachel watching the TV is red which connotes danger, as by watching the video she will die. However, the colour of the telephone is murky green, again hinting at a supernatural element to the plot. Rachel is at a profile angle in the first shot as this gives the impression that she is at war with the supernatural forces which come with the video.
Point 3:

Extreme close-up of an eye dilating to indicate the horror of the characters throughout the film. A full-shot of a woman jumping from a cliff, from behind her to put across a sense of mystery and cause the audience to wonder who she is.

A fast-paced melody sequence which gets increases in speed alongside the montage to reach a climax. There is a voiceover of someone saying "Before you die, you see the ring" which adds to the chilling effect of many of the random video clips.
Mise en Scene:
Symbolism is used throughout the montage to give a sense of foreboding, for instance the ladder which is sometimes seen as a sign of bad luck. The dominant colour throughout is black due to the montage being mainly in black and white to hint at a lack of life and give an aged effect. The black also connotes death and evil. The vertical composition of many of the shots show the power the video has.

The luminosity of the font implies that there is a supernatural element to the film. The childlike messy handwritten effect give the impression that the antagonist of the film is a child as the font of the film generally gives an idea of who we are to fear. The fact that the writing appears gradually also adds to the idea of it being written by a child, however the effect is chilling as it is as if the audience cannot see who is writing the words, contributing to the supernatural aspect to the trailer.
There is a quiet, discordant, high-pitched noise in the background which sounds like it is fluctuating. This links in with the filter that has been used in order to make the picture flicker, as if losing signal or an aged film.
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