Camera angles/shots/movements:

-The extreme close up of the Nick's knife tells us that either he is the killer or he has sensed something isn't right and he is preparing to defend himself.
-The extreme close up of the bottle being left in the water is very slow and raises the tension.
- Everything slows down when Nick realises the situation, this raises the suspense and adds to the tension of the situation. At this point nothing has actually been revealed and therefore this is leaving the audience desperate for an explanation.
- The realisation scene uses a jump cut of the same bottle at a different angle, this almost gives the effect of a flashback and along with the non diegetic music (sound section) which is a soft high pitched discordant noise it creates a dream like state which then enters into the slow motion I mentioned earlier.
- The diegetic sound of the breaking glasses has a big impact as it completely breaks the person he was pretending to be. This can be seen as Cliff would never randomly break his own glasses, therefore it's clear that he doesn't need them and he is pretending to be someone he's not.
The diegetic sound of Nick's speech when he says 'it goes in alive' emphasises the situation and creates a link between himself and the scorpion, showing that he has also gone into the trap alive and he is going to come out dead.
- When Nick begins to realise that he has fallen into a trap there is the non diegetic sound of a sub-bass which raises the tension and warns the audience that something is about to happen.
-After he realises there is very little diegetic sound except the lapping of the water they are in, this is a slow scene as Nick gets ready to defend himself and Rocky gets ready to kill Nick.
Mise En Scene:
- Many clues can be seen in the colour meaning of this scene as Rocky's boat is bright red which connotes death and danger, and this is a contrasting foil to Nick's green boat.
- When Nick and Rocky are talking we can see that Nick has a horizontal composition showing that he is calm and he is below Rocky as Rocky has a vertical composition connoting strength over Nick This again makes Nick much more vulnerable and in danger.
- Nick is also at the bottom end of the frame where as Rocky takes up the whole of the centre frame once again showing his dominance.
Point 2:

- Just before Rocky shoots Nick in the back of the head there is a birds eye view from Gina's point of view (Nick's girlfriend), this highlights Nick's vulnerability at that moment
- The ariel shot of Nick in his boat shows his vulnerability and realisation.
-The gun is out of focus showing that this move was unexpected and quick.

- Camera slowly zooms in on the couple and starts to focus to show who they are.
- There is a graphic match between Rocky shooting Nick in the pool and him shooting Cliff his previous victim, this is also a flash back and it reveals the twist.
- A blue filter is put over the film to show that it is a flashback.

-After Rocky says 'well the stories were great Nick' there is a slight wooshing sound as the camera zooms in on Nick's panicked face, giving emphasis to his complete realisation.- Finally there is diegetic sound of Nick saying 'Cliff?' to which he replies 'call me Nick' telling the audience he is planning to take his identity, this is then followed by the diegetic sound of the gun shot right after Nick takes in a gasp of air.
- Just before Rocky shoots there is a non diegetic whoosh as the camera focuses on the gun, this raises the tension and foreshadows the next move.
Mise En Scene:
- The focus of the shot after Rocky kills Cliff is very shallow and we can only see two figures behind some rain, this adds to the mystery however we all know who those figures are and as they are slowly brought into focus the audience realises they were correct.
- The close up shots of both their faces emphasise how different they are and we can all clearly see the crazed look in Rocky's eyes.
- The change in filter creates a sense of a flashback and starts to explain who really is the murderer.
Point 3:
- Multiple extreme close ups of lips they both recite speech from the dead couple. Shows the amount of planning and practice that went into the murders. Also shows that she is made up and is smiling, gives the idea that they are both insane.
- Over the shoulder shot of her looking in the mirror, makes us feel uncomfortably close to her.
- Close up of the hands, in the background you can see the TV which has the same thing showing that they are impersonating people. Before they reached this still the woman's hand was carefully placed in that position.
- Close ups of the teeth being pulled out and the box of mints being put into the bag shows that he framed Kale and Cleo earlier.
- The screen is divided up into sections to display how everything links together and to emphasise the amount of planning that went into this. Shows the psychological element and how they are insane.
-Jump cuts throughout showing the amount of planning, shows the murder, them stealing their glasses and wedding rings etc. Then cuts to scenes where he is framing Kale and Cleo, where he is telling one of the locals that they have guns etc.
- Diegetic sound of her speech, practising lines e.g. 'it amazes me how much people talk about themselves when they're on vacation'
- Diegetic sound of earrings clinking as they fall down.
Diegetic sound of her singing to herself as she cuts her hair, seems to be enjoying herself a lot.
-Non diegetic sound of fast paced music as Rocky turns over Cliff's dead body and starts pulling out his teeth.
-Tense dramatic non diegetic music as they put their hands together and the image becomes complete.
Mise En Scene:
- Blue filter, modern colour for horror which connotes a clinical/serial murder. Displays the lack of emotion attached to the murders. This colour also makes the eyes of the characters completely black which takes away the human element.
Point 4:
Camera Angles/Shots/Movements:
- Close ups on their faces as they talk.
- Shows both sides, 180 degrees rule. Both have a say in the relationship.
- POV shot as he looks out onto the world and 'restarts' it.
- Close up shots of the woman clearly shows her unhappy face and we immediately see how she is attached to him even though she isn't happy, their abusive relationship is laid out in front of us and acts as a huge contrast to how they were previously behaving when they were pretending to be the newly weds.
- Soft, slightly creepy music in the backgound, would be romantic if not for the diegetic dialogue.
- Diegetic sound of the sea lapping against the shore and their conversation, Rocky explains his twisted dream of living many different lives, being immortal etc.
- Non diegetic whoosing sound with Rocky saying 'whoosh' at the same time when he turns his head and 'restarts' the world.
Mise En Scene:
- When he turns his head he takes up a small amount of the screen emphasising how unimportant he is in the world.
- They are both at an intimate distance which shows their close relationship yet their diegetic dialogue doesn't match up as Rocky is saying that he is incapable of loving her. Demonstrates their strange and slightly uncomfortable relationship.
- Editing is used to slow down and speed up the people playing on the beach, this links in with the POV shot and shows how insane he is as we are seeing what he is seeing and he sees that he is controlling the world.
- A final transition is used as the screen is warped after Rocky pretends to shoot Nick and it goes back to the scene in the cave just after he shoots him. This is to bring the audience back to the present now that we know everything.
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